Cate Brauchle

Industry: Environment Research
Home: Montclair, NJ
Year: 2026
Major: Environment & Sustainability
Minor: Design & Environmental Analysis



Cate is a Student Digital Forestry Initiative Assistant, where she is establishing a Forest Global Earth Observatory site at Cornell’s Arnot Teaching and Research Forest for the Smithsonian Institution. This work aims to guide sustainable forest management policies and monitor climate change impacts. Previously, Cate was a Communications Aide for a bright teen with nonverbal quadriplegic cerebral palsy and worked at a beach and tennis club in the Hamptons.


In addition to serving as Beta Zeta class president for AKPsi, Cate works at Taverna Banfi in the Statler Hotel, is a member of Cornell Fashion Collective, and participates in various intramural sports teams.


Cate enjoys hiking, rock climbing, listening to music, skiing, and playing other sports such as spike ball and field hockey.