Ana Mocklar

Industry: Consulting / Retail & Consumer Goods
Home: Atlanta, GA
Year: 2026
Major: Information Science
Minor: Fashion Management and Business



Last summer, Ana worked at both Rimports, a home fragrance manufacturer supplying major retailers like Walmart, Target, and Meijer, and AI-Learners, an accessible learning technology company. In both roles, she focused on Business Development, where she established and streamlined business strategies for the marketing, sales, and business development departments. Ana is remaining at Rimports for the fall 2024 semester.


Outside of AKPsi, Ana is on Eboard for the Cornell Fashion Collective and oversees all upper level designers. She is also an active member of Global Action Impact Association, Cornell Fashion Industry Network, intermural volleyball, and Cog Dogs Theater Troupe.


Apart from school, Ana is interested in fashion design, hockey, soccer, baking, sustainability, and grabbing boba with friends.